Monday 25 August 2014

When One Needs Quality Pressure Washing Aurora Is The Way To Go

By Colette Foreman

Pressure washing is a cleaning method used to remove different forms of substances from surfaces. The process is done using a machine called a pressure washer. The machine comes in different sizes with some being small and easily portable while others are very large that it takes a truck to move them. The washer sprays water at high pressure onto surfaces allowing dirt to be dislodged upon impact. When in need of elegantly done pressure washing Aurora is the best place to consider visiting.

Many different types of surfaces can be cleaned through this technique. Transport vessels, trees, concrete surfaces, floors, furniture, buildings, and household appliances are among the surfaces that may be cleaned. Mud, graffiti, grease, paint, oil, and mold are some of the substances that can be cleaned. Capacity of machines is measured in terms of gallons of fluid sprinkled in a minute while pressure is measured in bars and pascals.

Any basic washer consists of three major parts, that is, a hose, trigger gun-style switch, and gasoline engine or electric motor. The motor or engine is responsible for driving the water pump. The main purpose of the hose is to raise the pressure and velocity at which the fluid used to wash comes out. It also helps in directing the fluid on the surface being cleaned. There are different types and styles of nozzles that can be used to connect to the hose.

Nozzles are designed to draw less water that the water source. Pump capacity and water supply source must also match well to avoid starvation. Carvitation damage normally results if the pump is starved for a long period.

Washers are classified depending on the type of fuel they consume. Major groups are electric, diesel, petrol, gas, ultra high, hydraulic, and steam pressure washers. Each washer type is properly suited for a specific application. Those that do not use electricity provide a high level of mobility because they do not need presence of electrical outlets in order to be used. On the contrary, electric devices are better suited for indoor applications because they produce less noise and have no exhaust.

The cleaning ability of water may be enhanced by adding washing agents. For example, graffiti removal requires the water to be combined with detergents for it to be effective. Cleaning agents save time and reduce workload that the machine needs to do. Reduced working hours translates into long life for the device. One should however be sensitive to the environment by using environment-friendly chemicals.

Hot water is more effective at washing than cold water. Because of this reason, some models of washers are modified to include a burner for heating the water before it is applied on the surface. The burners can normally heat the water up to a temperature of about 99 degrees Celsius. Hot water can however be damaging on certain surfaces such as vinyl sidings.

Washing can be a dangerous process hence safety must be considered always. One can sustain serious injuries from the high-velocity water if they are wearing no safety gear. Therefore, eyeglasses, an apron, gloves, a helmet, and boots must be worn by the individual operating the machine at all times when controlling.

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